GTTCI  & Molitics organised and celebrated World Water day

The event was blessed by the presence of Ms. Tahina Rasamoelina Charge d'Affaires a. i. Embassy of Madagascar, Mr. Alexander Rybas, Trade Commissioner, Embassy of Russian Federation in India, H.E. Dr.  K.L. Ganju Consul General of the Union of Comoro, Maj Gen Dilawar Singh Director General NYKS, Mr. Chetan Sharma, former selector BCCI,  Dr. Rashmi Saluja, Religare group.

GTTCI  & Molitics organised and celebrated World Water day
World Water day panel discussion

Ambassadors, diplomats and guests joined the panel discussion by GTTCI and molitics.

New Delhi:  Global Trade & Technology Council on 21th March 2023 organised World Water Day powered by Molitics at Oko, The Lalit New Delhi. The event was attended by exclusive members and guests of GTTCI. The panel was fortunate to have Ambassador of Peru, HE MR JAVIER MANUEL PAULINICH VELARDE as the chief guest. The event was blessed by the presence of Ms. Tahina Rasamoelina Charge d'Affaires a. i. Embassy of Madagascar, Mr. Alexander Rybas, Trade Commissioner, Embassy of Russian Federation in India, H.E. Dr.  K.L. Ganju Consul General of the Union of Comoro, Maj Gen Dilawar Singh Director General NYKS, Mr. Chetan Sharma, former selector BCCI,  Dr. Rashmi Saluja, Religare group. The event was supported by collaborative efforts by Molitics. Dr. Gaurav Gupta, Founder President GTTCI gave the welcome address and introduced guests. Mr. Shantanu Shukla, COO Molitics thanked all guests and gave vote of thanks.

Bhaiya ji kahin fame prateek Trivedi, GTTCI chairman Dr Pawan Kansal also graced the occasion.

Every year on March 22, World Water Day is commemorated to increase awareness of the water and sanitation issue and to motivate people to take action. Using the theme "Accelerating Change" for this year, a campaign has been started to persuade people to alter the way they use, consume, and manage water. It highlights the need for greater forceful action to be taken to address the global water crisis. and carry out international obligations about objectives for sustainable development related to water.

To maintain social, economic, and environmental well-being, water is essential. Fresh water has a multifaceted value. It covers a wide range of topics, such as diet, health, culture, and the preservation of the natural world. Any of these principles can be abandoned without endangering the wellbeing of our ecosystems.  Just 2.5% of the water on Earth's surface, which makes up around 71% of its surface, is fresh and fit for human use.

There is a real problem with water scarcity that needs to be addressed. The amount of fresh water on the earth is nearly constant due to natural recycling, but population expansion and rising demand for clean water are escalating competition for this resource. Future generations may pay a price if we don't use water wisely now. Additionally, within a few decades, many regions of the world may have freshwater shortages.

Thus, GTTCI and Molitics are taking deliberate action today to gather all the necessary steps by inviting policymakers, diplomats and experts from various field on this platform to comprehend the urgency of the situation and escalate it to the appropriate authorities. The audience was enthusiastic throughout the entire event. The event was remarkable followed by an interactive session and high tea.